“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but it must be felt with the heart.” They were both born in Bronx, NY and moved to New Jersey around the same time in 4th grade. Living two blocks away from each other for half of their lives, they had no idea about it. Finally meeting at 18 in high school and they have been in love ever since.
Sometimes you meet people and it feels like you immediately click after the first email. Those type of people who understand your passion, your vision, your art that comes from your heart. Two beautiful souls I’m so grateful to have crossed path with. They are Jasmine and Rey.
Looking at the photo Jasmine attached to her email, I felt such strong connection between them and was even thinking they must be high school sweethearts. You know when you are in love, you know within a second how to melt his heart with just the way you look at each other. “We are both athletes and very competitive people and I think that is one of the reasons we click so well.”
You don’t need a special occasion for having your photos taken. Little moments are enough reason to celebrate life with the people you love. To capture the most precious times you s h a r e with each other. Jasmine and Rey both like modelling but they have never done a shoot together. So it was time for some fun in the city. And a little Starbucks adventure to warm ourselves up on this chilly winter afternoon.
Thank you for sharing your love with me, showing that intimate and beautiful part of your soul and embracing my vision.
Much love,
Lolo x
“We had such a blast during our shoot with you. You are the sweetest person ever. We felt so comfortable and safe with you. The pictures came out so great, I had to make a photo book. I almost cried looking at them again!”